Saturday, 11 July 2015

Make a Simple Cartoon Snake Pictures

Make a Simple Cartoon Snake Pictures

1, first we look for a suitable image to create and train corel draw, for example we are looking for pictures of snakes in  are small and easily made'

2 Once found we could get into coreldraw, then an image that we can paste into corel draw, and we choose the tool easy and attractive according to the author

3. First we make the head and tongue at once, with   ellipse tool we make the head and eyes are round, then we give outline thick and green color pen

4. to make the body of the snake we use the pen tool to create the body of a snake and we give outline thick pen and we give green color gradations

5. For more details and can we learn the authors include a free video that can be viewed instantly. Thanks

Make Cartoon Owl Clipart

Make Cartoon Owl Clipart

1. First we open the corel draw then we enter then click the ellipse tool is useful for making round and used to make the eyes in this tutorial with simple, then it would seem the picture below please check, and to make the line turn-turn we use the freehand tool that is light and easy, then we give up our colors

2. Then the second we made this OWL body with the elipse tool as well and the wings and body of this white color we use the freehand tool and we give the color coming into the picture and feet

3. After we put all we will see the results and be bird pictures

4. We will give you free videos in this tutorial

Friday, 3 July 2015

Make a small Green Frog and fun

Make a small Green Frog and fun

1 First we create a drawing eyes and mouth as well as the part of face

2. Using the Ellipse Tool and Pen tool that is very useful to create an image of this Green Frog base

3. After so we make the face then broadly drawn face like this we color with green and white and black eyes

4. For our agency make with pen tool that we use and we love the green color

5. Make agambar our hands using the pen tool is perfect and simple

6. To clarify the tutor Videos we have this simple thank you

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Create Images of Insects With CorelDraw

Create Images of Insects With CorelDraw

Create images of insects are cute and well liked by kids who liked to draw and simple coloring

1. first we have the previous picture by searching on the internet then we open coreldraw

2. To make the image we use the pen tool to make the detector head and to make our heads using spherical shape

3. Establish round we use the ellipse tool and also as well as for our coloring using the color tool in addition to this software coreldraw

4. In the picture there is a styliseds insect rounded red and black we use the Ellipse tool and pen tool to create a line and we are color  with black

5. Draw the body of the insect is quite simple and beautiful with the Ellipse tool we can create images and plump round body and legs of insects with the pen tool and we give effect Fountail Fill color red and pink

6. Between the body and face as well as ornaments and we will combine with a simple color

7. Then be pictures of insects that simple but much benefit

8. For more details of our lists this interactive Video

Make Pictures Of Animals Of The Javan Rhinoceros

Make Pictures Of Animals Of The Javan Rhinoceros

Tutotial makes the picture the Javan Rhino which is famous with this simple and beautiful and gives a breadth

1. First we create an image with a rhinoceros Rhinoceros as well as make it easier to search for images of this picture we draw the face and eye and ear nose

2. then we color the eyes and nose and for giving effect we add color with Ouatline pen and color next corel

3. To give the impression of an attractive color and the life we are utilizing the power clip and pen outline

4. create an ellipse head with images of toll and freehand tool after you create the image of the head and gives the color we headed over to the Agency

5. make the body of the rhino is very easy and simple with an explanation in the picture below as well as staining

6. The author gives an example of a simple and just a glimpse, to clarify we attach this Video thank you

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Make Birth With Coreldraw

Make Birth With Coreldraw

To make this simple bird pictures we find images easily and quickly redrawn and simplified

1. First we open the CorelDraw and bird pictures we already there we enter and next we observed and are ready to create an image

2. We use the pen tool is a simple and easy we though with our pictures by pencil drawings available next we coloring

3. Once can form the perfect image of the cartoon bird pictures we now give color matched and easy like the picture below

4. After the image was merged with the other we saw the end result that resembles with images that already exist and we just smooth the image

5. For clearer we make Video tutorials that are easy to understand

Make A Simple Goat Pictures

How to make a simple drawing but it took persistence of deep so that later drew up a picture that can be great and up and can create a large and expensive works

1. To make our first goat pictures opening corelDraw and images that we set the example, we are looking for an image that is easy and we can create

2. After drawing a cartoon goat can we can incorporate into CorelDraw and we examine what we should use to draw the first we create a drawing the eyes and nose with the Ellipse tool to make the image as well as oval to rounded and coloring we love black and white to give the impression of living eyes as well as the tool Outline Pen to thicken the line image that we create can be seen in the picture below

3. We make this goat head with Pen tool so we can form the head and horns and then the thick edge then we are coloring this image, can be seen the pictures below

4. Ellips toll also we use images to make the body in his round and there are different colors and we give these effects use power clip we can see in the image below

5. to create an image of the foot we use Ellips tool and Inatersect then Ouatline Pen then we will see perfect results as below

6. If we merge then we will produce images coreldraw vector camp are simple and more attractive to the novice, it is up to add any effects

7. In order to more clearly the writer is intentionally gives away free Video tutorials we can see and learned thanks