Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Make Easter With CorelDraw

Make Easter With CorelDraw
1 To make this cute cat pictures we have to know the tools that are in corelDraw software and can use encryption as this picture fairly easily and quickly can

2. We are looking for an image that's been so on the internet then we enter into coreldraw  tool then we we'd like and shaped like this image but from the pictures one by one we should create and must be diligently and wait to get maximum image

3 The author only gives basic only uses tools that are in corelDraw and beginners can mimic these pictures very

4. for tinting we already there is color in the right hand side of the software and simply select one of the color that we want

5. For more details and results can be seen the author has this Video tutorial you can pick up and follow the example of this image may be useful thanks



Hello viewers and beginners we have this simple images may be useful

1 First we choose pictures eeg logo batman who is being loved the youth throughout the country this

2. To make we have to choose a simple tool such as tool to create the rounded Ellips oval and then we give a color tool on the right there is a colorful

3.. To make the shape of a bat we utilize the pen tool if English pencil then we use to draw the bat and we   love colors

4. View and arranged easy not to make a batman logo simple but many benefits

5 .Thank you've come and read, the author of hope children and everyone who visited on the web we can skillfully and enrich science in Indonesian  this Amen

6. For more details and could directly practice the science of this can be seen in this Video below

Monday, 29 June 2015

Make The Tasmanian Devil With CorelDraw

To make the shape of the cartoon Tasmania is quite simple and makes it fairly disposable coreldraw

1. create and give the effect of this image is to use the pen tool panorama many uses like a pencil to draw a

2. To give the colors we have a tool to the right enough looking for a color that matches with this picture

3. Give a basic side there is a black color we use the tool e.g. we hit f12 then it would appear the tool outline pen and we can set the size of the thickness of the addition of this image

4. Power to enter  And image and to give effect to the images coalesce

5. Clear the author deliberately  giving Video tutorials for beginners and everyone to learn and in spread thank you


Sunday, 28 June 2015

Make Pictures Spiderman By Using Coreldraw

 Make Pictures Spiderman By Using Coreldraw

The author in this day will be invited to make spiderman shadow color

1 we preparing coreldraw while waiting for Iftar heheh. then we take the example of the existing image and then we put the image in coreldraw

2. we use first in this draw ellips is a tool to provide a round like the Moon at night image of the day

3. We use the bezier tool to create an image that contains spedirman people or in a high building

4. then we make a line by using the Rectangle tool box

5. To create the effect of rope play or nets we wear can and tool freehand in we draw

6. And to more clearly in this tutorial the author made a video tutorial as simple as possible so that novices can instantly create and practice thanks

Saturday, 27 June 2015



How to make a basic picture of the car's existing bus type, first we open the Corel draw software available on your computer, then we search for images on Google, after the bus we can insert images into CorelDreaw bus

the first way of making this picture is
1. use the pen tool to draw a for and make the shape according to our

2. To make a picture that's colored we click colors available in addition to CorelDreaw

 3. To form the same angle as in the example, such as the angle of this yellow color we leverage tool intersect is on top of this

 4. to make circular picture we make and eat the Ellipse tool located on the left side of this software

 5. for your own creations or fellow upstart Maker can add shapes and pictures detail the bus, our writers just give basic science course thank you

For more details we give video format so that a beginner can immediately make such pictures

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Create images of elephants in Sumatra

Create images of elephants in Sumatra
Create an image of an elephant that is small and has a modern shape with the color gray

1. First we search for images or vector cartoon elephants and saved to our computer
2. In order to clarify and also useful tool and have fit we make like the picture below

3. to make an elephant head with the ellipse tool and color as well as there are Ouatline tools like the image below

4. In making the legs of elephants we just make small round and big as the pictures below

5. We wear the same Tool and we've memorized as well as proficient in the use of

6. After all the images are finished we can be combined and be nice and beautiful

7. To clarify we can see the video we can see below